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Wednesday, February 22, 2012

VAK Dominance Test

This test looks to be true. So I can now sy I am psycho with the psychologists.

V stands for Visual
A stands for Auditory
K stands for Kinaesthetic

I am an Auditory learner, meaning that I learn from sound, music, discussions and lectures.

But Visual is not far behind. On both tests, I only got one less point each. The same happened at the end: Visual got the last word twice. It means I like photography, TV, reading and computer games, not just music and talking.

Kinaesthetic? Out of the question. 11 out of 49 is nowhere near 20 out of 49 or 18 out of 49. True, it isn't very far away but 22.5% and 40.8%? Yeah.

It didn't surprise me much- a tossup between Visual and Auditory- pretty obvious. But 22.5% Kinaesthetic is freaky! Maybe I'm a smidge more sporty than I thought! :O 

 Well, maybe th psychologists and some smarty pills on the day they made this test, or I'm just getting dumber and dumber. What a thought- me getting dumber! And no, it's not cause I'm already dumb (and I'm not, jerk! >:O

Right and Left Brain Dominance Test

The test is rubbish! It is really stupid and does not apply to me. Apparently I am a right hand brain, but I'm left hand! I am of the right:
Prefers sound/music background while studying

And of the left:
Responds to word meaning
Processes information linearly
Responds to logic
Plans ahead
Recalls people's names
Speaks with few gestures
Prefers bright lights while studying

So you can see that I am one of the rare people that the test does not apply to.

Plus, a word to the psychologists who created this test: Now I know why 'psycho's in your name. Shame.

So, I am a left hand learner meaning I lesrn better talking than looking at it.
I plan ahead, not sy, I'll go to the spelling bee the day before it starts.
I'm more of a 123456789 person than a 681439257 peron.
I'm a 11+33= 44 so 11+66=77 learner than a 11+66=77 learner.

-Jack out

Monday, February 13, 2012

My Goals of 2012

Format: Goal, How to achieve it, What would stop me.

Short Term Goals
I would like to finish the Tongariro Crossing. I could get fitter by running walking, climbing, etc. I get lazy, bored etc.
I would like to ride a bike by week 5. I need to find the time and get on one. There being no time, me lazy etc.
I would like to sell 3 boxes of chocolate. I could see which flavours sell fastest and sell those. Stupid people on diets, me not handling the money right, I get hungry!

Mid Term Goals
I would like to ride 10km by Term 3. Regularly riding by bike would help.No time, me lazy etc.
I would like to have signed up and regularly complete a paper run by Term 3. I could sign up (duh) and allocate time for it. Forgetting to sign up, getting kicked out etc.
I would like to regularly cook dinner by Term 3. Learn how to cook and also allocate time for it. No time, mum does it etc.

Long Term Goals
I would like to win the Waikato Spelling Bee. Learn my spelling words precisely and carefully. No time, car breaks down on the way.
I would like to win Mathsmatters AGAIN! Learn maths by doing previous Mathsmatters quizzes. I stuff up.
I would like to complete 20 km by Term 1 next year. Regularly ride my bike and find time for it. No time and I get lazy etc. 

That Was Summer

The following story is a story we did in writing in the last week.

I can feel the sun beating down on my chest. Standing up, I slowly tiptoe across the sandy shore of Lake Taupo. My feet hurt as the sand scorches my heels. Then, relief! The waves lap against my feet. Instantly I cool down. Slowly I shuffle through the rocky waters.

Submerged, I catch sight of dozens of tiny trout. They swim past me through the translucent, blue, clear water. My mates swarm in after me.

We swim over (me paddle over, more like) and silently scan the rocks for kura. At last, we catch one! The quantity grows to two, and then when we put the kura in a bucket, strangely, they fight each other. When they decided it was even, they stopped.

The aroma of fish'n'chips floats through the air. I can smell the salt settling in my nostrils, or at least it seems like it. As soon as I take a bite the salty delicious taste settles on my tongue. It is then served up with sweet delectable pine-mango fruit juice. Mmmm...

Swimming back into the lake, we gape at the beautiful sunset, then lie back on the sand. The sun beats down on my chest again, calmer this time. All that's left to do is to go to my mates' house and have a nice hot drink.

Ah... that was summer.

Friday, February 10, 2012

HoverHero 1

I've been thinking about, if I had a proper website builder, and the money to run it, what website would I create? I've recently thought about an idea, that being:
It would be like moshi monsters, where you're a character who gets pets, buys stuff, saves the city... and so on and so forth. What if you were a flying superhero who gets money from saving the city, and then that can be used to buy food for your hero, and the stars of the show...

You would buy tasks to set up in your backyard, and 3 hours later, Voila! You have a MINION, like a moshling. Cool! Anyway, about them, there are 8 tasks that can be placed in your backyard, 3 at a time. You can have any mixture including several of the same one. There are:

Sort the pellets
Blow the roof
Light a match
Catch a fish
Make a potion
Glue together a box
Write a story
and Save a paper stickman.

This minion is named Fireball. He looks like this:

The question is this: which three do you think you could use to get him?
Should be pretty easy- just comment saying what you think.
When someone answers right I will share details.

See you then,

Wednesday, February 8, 2012


Well last Thursday was school again, and believe me, I was relieved. Now there would be something to do, instead of sitting around blobbing, wondering what would be something I could do.

Last year the teachers said our classes, and I'm so glad I got Mr Murray! He's one of the best teachers ever, and between him and Mrs Klue of the last two years, I think it's a bit of a competition. I guess I could say Mr Murray's the best teacher in my year group, but then again, it's my first year.

School today was kind of cool, kind of not. We had running (which was like OMG when will I ever finish), maths (in the top group), reading laboratory (finding mistakes in the answer cards!) and freaking my classmates out by saying the longest world in the English language, pneumonoultramicroscopicsilicovolcanoconiosis. (That means you have microscopic silica dust in your lungs and now your lungs feel like they're on fire).

Crazy, huh?

Anyway, I want to give a random shout out to the Masons and Packwoods, for being such great friends in the summer.