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Monday, February 13, 2012

That Was Summer

The following story is a story we did in writing in the last week.

I can feel the sun beating down on my chest. Standing up, I slowly tiptoe across the sandy shore of Lake Taupo. My feet hurt as the sand scorches my heels. Then, relief! The waves lap against my feet. Instantly I cool down. Slowly I shuffle through the rocky waters.

Submerged, I catch sight of dozens of tiny trout. They swim past me through the translucent, blue, clear water. My mates swarm in after me.

We swim over (me paddle over, more like) and silently scan the rocks for kura. At last, we catch one! The quantity grows to two, and then when we put the kura in a bucket, strangely, they fight each other. When they decided it was even, they stopped.

The aroma of fish'n'chips floats through the air. I can smell the salt settling in my nostrils, or at least it seems like it. As soon as I take a bite the salty delicious taste settles on my tongue. It is then served up with sweet delectable pine-mango fruit juice. Mmmm...

Swimming back into the lake, we gape at the beautiful sunset, then lie back on the sand. The sun beats down on my chest again, calmer this time. All that's left to do is to go to my mates' house and have a nice hot drink.

Ah... that was summer.

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